How Long Does It Take for Boswellia to Work

You've maybe heard that people with ADHD adore sticky notes.

It's true. We do.

The attributes of sticky notes are that they can be written on, stuck in conspicuous places, and don't damage what they are stuck to.

This beats hell out of my old, pre-sticky note method of using indelible marker on duct tape, or just directly on the surface of things.


Well, you know, we sometimes make bad choices. Live and learn, right?

Dry erase markers were a miraculous step in the right direction though. I remember writing my grocery list on the fridge with those.

The problem was that we kept all the markers in the same place and that time I grabbed a permanent marker thinking it was a dry erase one caused a lot of trouble in the kitchen inventory. For a long time after that we had way more ice cream sandwiches and coffee than any household could go through reasonably. I got through the coffee, but I think we just threw out the last of the ice cream sandwiches last weekend.

Sticky Notes Win!

When I discovered that I could buy sticky notes in grocery list size, I celebrated perhaps more than I should have. I mean, eating seven ice cream sandwiches is probably a bit of overkill. My stomach certainly thought it was.

Sticky notes did more than just take the place of the (hopefully) dry erase marker on the fridge. They sparked my imagination into coming up with the idea of making other things conspicuous.

For instance, I now have a dry erase marker stuck with Velcro to my ceramic note pad in the kitchen. (I'm not allowed to write on the fridge anymore, under any circumstances.)

Conspicuousness rules!

The sticky note's conspicuousness also made me realize that I need to make many things conspicuous. They're the reason I put the laundry basket in the middle of the hallway floor. I can't go upstairs without seeing it and realizing it needs to go to the bedroom. I put my tools where I'm going to need them next if I'm thinking ahead at all.

I try to put things I'll need to take with me when I go out right by the front door. And then I try to remember to go out the front door and not slip out through the garage.

Recently I've been considering putting my garage door remote on a lanyard and hanging it from my rear view mirror, that might remind me to close the garage door when I leave home, and since my garage is full of too many things to get a car in there, closing the door seems like a good idea to me.

But meanwhile

Back to the sticky notes and my ADHD,they really have been a life saver, though I confess I don't use them as much as I likely should.

But while I maybe could use them more, I think it's an ADHD thing to think more sticky notes would be better and to know that there is no such thing as too many sticky notes.

And, I think that we are the only people who could see a sticky note, physically stuck to a smart phone, and say to ourselves, "Yeah, that makes sense."

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How Long Does It Take for Boswellia to Work


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